Category: Fragment

  • Multiple personalities

    Messrs. Stickler, Winner, Node and Buddy have been sentenced to each other. Stickler mainly wants to do things according to the rules, Winner looks for efficiency, Buddy for group feeling / identity and Node wants to be able to make and continue to make his own choices. They have been sentenced to each other because…

  • 联系

    该博客有一个公共部分和一个私人部分。 公共部分是我自己(Aernout Schmidt)为自己写的博客帖子的集合,目的是逐步记录我的理解和思考的时间和生活环境。 没有小说,那将是失败的。因此,小说无处不在。 实际上,博客中唯一真正重要的部分是致力于算法的论坛。 私人部分是个人作者(Sum先生,Node先生,Buddy先生,Stickler先生和Winner先生)进行私人讨论的地方(如法院的讨论)。 所有这些角色都是我在后台扮演的角色。 可以通过与我联系。

  • Contact

    The blog has a public and a private section. The public secton is a collection of blog posts written by myself (Aernout Schmidt) for myself, in the attempt to gradually get a log of what I understand and think about the time and the environment in which I live. Without fiction, that will be a…

  • 暗示

    该博客具有堆栈体系结构:最后一个添加项在顶部,第一个添加项在底部。 该博客提供3种语言。标题栏下方的标志指示使用的语言。通过选择其他标志来更改语言。 主页提供了缩写列表。通过“阅读更多”进行放大。 返回主页:单击标题栏中的标题。 该论坛使用一种语言,因为它使用WordPress的bbPress插件–它仅支持一种:我选择了英语。 该论坛介绍了我如何在NetLogo中使用建模,并且仅包含最基本的数学公式。它是关于配方和数据网络形式的虚拟工作方法,这些方法可以在途中发生变化(即算法)。常用的数学符号和思维方式均不适用于此。 该论坛没有任何文学上的主张(博客确实如此),并且,如果经过充分阐述,则应适合用于定性研究技术课程。 该博客(像所有内容一样)正在进行中。 这意味着我可以更改已出版的材料。

  • Hints

    The blog has a stack architecture: what was added last is on top, is presented first. The blog is in 3 languages. The language in use is indicated by the flag under the title bar. Change the language by choosing a different flag. The main page provides a list of abbreviations. Zoom in via “read…

  • Language as Filter

    August Willemsen chose “De taal als bril” (he translates this with “Language as Filter”) as the title for a collection of essays in 1987. These prompted him to trust the phenomenon that translating, even if it remains an attempt, clarifies. This also applies to knowledge stories when you try to translate them into the formal…

  • Useful Art

    On March 16 he came up with an extremely simple model to calculate the number of COVID-19 infected worldwide at moment : is the number of infected at the end of a specific infection period. That number is equal to the number of infected people in the last period plus the number of infections that…

  • Art and knowledge

    On March 16, the COVID-19 pandemic exploded in Europe. Looking at the worldometer on that day, and kind of remembering when it started, and having picked a credible reproduction number from the internet, he came up with an extremely simple model to compute the number of infected people at moment t: the number of infected…

  • Knowledge and Art

    Strange, he thought. He had recreated the COVID-19 threat as a kind of game in stripped-down form. This occupation had distracted his thoughts from the actual threat. But the results were not encouraging. To make things better, he was able to show how tinkering with algorithm 0 would improve the results. But it had to…