Category: output

  • Europe, Phase I

    When looking for ways to artificially reenact the COVID crisis for understanding it, it may well be that I will need the approach with networks and complex adaptive systems, but it is not very helpful to begin with that. See also how I got stuck setting up likely systems with network architectures. It turned out…

  • Intelligent Pawns for Toy Worlds

    Mr. Sum had let Mr. Node do his thing with COVID-19 data to find his feet with the pandemic. Because he understands that he is part of a complex adaptive system, Node has started to work with an instrument that is prepared for this. On November 28, his NetLogo program presents the following chart: The…

  • After Week 36

    If he wants to participate in the annual meeting of his student’s club, he considers how that can be done while maintaining distances. When he walks his dog, he estimates how many people he will meet, when and how well they have followed the regulations. If he wants to buy the goods that used to…

  • COVID-19 State of Affairs on August 15

    Yesterday, I updated the COVID-19 data. I show the overviews in a gallery in Fig. 1. Those who want a larger format can view them closely via the browser. The indicators discussed elsewhere are sufficiently visible on the given scale. China is doing well from a medical risk point of view. The PRC has COVID-19…

  • Alarming News from the Netherlands

    Yesterday was the deadline for a new update of the weekly data. That does not look good for the Netherlands. The second wave has started (see Fig. 1). At least it seems that way if we see the decidedly exponential development of the number of infections from week 29 onwards. We see a replication (also…

  • Comparing COVID-19 Regimes

    It was yesterday, I believe, that I started talking about Trump as nitwit, Mr. Sum considered, warning himself about the ease with which coronavirus data is interpreted by left and by right. It is not that simple to link the progress of the pandemic to the behavior of regimes in jurisdictions. In the interview by…

  • The World and the COVID-19 data as of July 31, 2020

    (This is an adaptation of an earlier post that showed the situation a week ago. Now only the graphs are shown.) The COVID tableaux for the world and the PRC as of July 31, 2020 The COVID-19 tableaux for three European countries as of July 31, 2020 The COVID-19 tableaux for two Covid-denial countries as…

  • A COVID-19 Thermometer?

    Mister Sum is ready for something new. Looking at data like the numbers of infected and killed per week has led him to come up with an instrument that provides a reasonable representation of COVID medical reality per country. That would be a small list by country with the week number in which COVID entered…

  • d-Ratios

    These days, Trump is vigorously defending that the United States is among the top countries to effectively address the COVID-19 pandemic. Part of that defense is the harmonized ratio that concerns the number of COVID deaths. Maybe it’s good to see if Trump has a point here. To this end, Mr. Node has established such…

  • The World and the COVID-19 Data at 24 July, 2020

    (This is an adaptation of an earlier post that showed the state of affairs on July 17. Only the figures have been replaced.) Elsewhere, Mr Node has described the tableaux he made to compare COVID developments in six countries. From now on there will be a post every week with a set of six tableaux…